Monday, February 10 in 2025
Module Frontpage Slideshow
Modul: Addon File Editor
Author: Christian Sommer
Nick: Doc, WebBird
Version: 1.1.3
State: Stable
License: GPL (uses PEAR packages licensed under LGPL)
GUID: D97E9735-19CB-41D6-ADA3-9ECED3416495
Platform: 2.8
Requires: PHP 4.3.11 or higher, WB 2.8 (all features), WB 2.7 (limited features)
Last info: 2012-02-13
819 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Web Link: here
Description: Basic features:
This admin tool allows you to view, edit, delete, create, or upload files of installed Add-ons such as modules, templates or WB language files from the backend. Text files editing supports syntax highlighting. The tool can create a backup of any installed Add-on in the format required by the WB Add-on installation routine.

Advanced features:
The tool integrates an optional FTP layer, which allows you to access Add-ons owned by the ftp-user, like core templates or core modules uploaded by FTP. You can enable support for the online editing service Pixlr, which allows you to manipulate images of Add-ons (e.g. templates or modules).

Supported languages: EN, DE, FR, NL, NO
Info: Documentation / Support:
Basic information about installation, configuration settings and usage can be found in the README file (Norwegian README shipped with the module).

For support issues, please visit the English or German Addon File Editor (AFE) forum thread.

Important: Since AFE v0.80, WB 2.8 is required to use all implemented features like jQuery toggle or syntax highlighting. AFE v0.80 still works with WB 2.7, but with limited features only. Follow the instructions in section Legacy mode of the Readme file to enable syntax highlighting in AFE v0.80 under WB 2.7.
All future versions of AFE will have WB 2.8 as minimum requirement.