Monday, February 10 in 2025
Modul: cwsoft-addon-file-editor
Author: Christian Sommer (
Nick: cwsoft
Version: 2.7.4
State: Stable
License: GNU General Public Licencse (GPL) v3.0
Platform: 2.8
Requires: WB 2.8.3 SP2 (recomended)
Last info: 2014-08-25
387 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Description: The cwsoft-addon-file-editor allows you to edit text- and image files of installed Add-ons via the backend. For details see GitHub.

Basic features:
This admin tool allows you to view, edit, delete, create, or upload files of installed Add-ons such as modules, templates or WB language files from the backend. Text files editing supports syntax highlighting. The tool can create a backup of any installed Add-on in the format required by the WB Add-on installation routine.

Advanced features:
The tool integrates an optional FTP layer, which allows you to access Add-ons owned by the ftp-user, like core templates or core modules uploaded by FTP. You can enable support for the online editing service Pixlr, which allows you to manipulate images of Add-ons (e.g. templates or modules).

Supported languages: EN, DE, FR, NL, NO
See also: addon file editor