Saturday, December 14 in 2024
Modul: TinyMCE jQuery
Nick: erpe
Version: 3.4b1
State: Alpha
License: Lesser GPL (Tiny) and GNU GPL
GUID: 16643d7b-b7e4-4dc4-9ff5-10b9c26114cd
Platform: 2.8
Requires: argos-jq theme
Last info: 2011-09-01
731 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Web Link: here
Description: This is the first integration of the tinyMCE jQuery Release that is available since release 3.3.3.
It seems real faster on the first tests than the "regular one".
But there are still some plugins to be reworked and the included editor has only beta status yet.
Info: Find details about 3.4b1 on tinyMCE Homepage.

Notice: you have to install the argos-jq backend theme to run this module. You can find a link below.
See also: argos-jq, tinymce editor