Monday, February 10 in 2025
Modul: wBanner
Author: Ruud Eisinga
Nick: Ruud
Version: 0.1.9
State: Stable
License: GPL
Platform: 2.8
Requires: WB 2.8.3
Last info: 2014-08-23
448 votes
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Download: here
Forum: here
Web Link: here
Description: The wBanner module allows you to sell advertising space on your website.

The admintool allows you to configure your advertisement with options like the maximum amount of views and/or clicks.
Banners are displayed on their turn automatically on all pageviews and stop being displayed if one of the set treshold levels is reached.

Banners are generated using a snippet that can be used in your template of in code-blocks in individual pages. Multiple banners can be used by adding the snippet functioncall multiple times.

* Admintool for management.
* A snippet to display one or more ads in your template
* Unlimited banners and banner groups
* Display counters and limits
* Click counters and limits
* Start and Ending dates
* Statistics etc..

An example of displayed ads can be seen on

See more informations and details at