Monday, February 10 in 2025
Module Frontpage Slideshow
Modul: Newsletter Snippet
Author: Ralf Hertsch
Nick: Ralf (Berlin)
Version: 0.18
State: Stable
License: GPL
Platform: 2.7 and 2.8
Last info: 2011-08-01
887 votes
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Description: Newsletter Snippet is no longer supported. You may use the more comprehensive and powerfull solution with KeepInTouch!

Newsletter is a code snippet which provides an interface for visitors to sign for a newsletter. The module send an activation link to the user and after activation add the email to massmail.

Supported languages: DA, DE, EN, FR, HE, NL, NO

Authors: Ralf Hertsch, Michael Millette, Allen, Proglott, Odd Egil, Exxos and Michael Viens
Info: To get it work, intall the massmail module and the newsletter snippet via the WB backend and add the following code to the index.php of your template or to any code section (set in your own mail-adress):

if (function_exists('newsletter_info')) {
newsletter_info('Newsletter','',true,false); }

Look at the NEWSLETTER-DROPLET.txt for instructions how to use this snippet as a Droplet.
See also: dbConnect, dbConnectLE, dbglossary, dbMultipleChoice, dbWatchSite, dirlist, dwoo, feedback, imageOptimizer, imageTweak, keep in touch, kitdirlist, multiple-educated, rhtools, shortlink, dropletsExtension, flexTable, kitForm, kitTools, manufakturGallery, pChart , permaLink