Monday, February 10 in 2025
Module Frontpage Slideshow
Modul: rating
Nick: erpe
Version: 0.30
State: Stable
License: MIT
GUID: f535fe7f-9b09-4b09-b19b-e983fbc989af
Platform: 2.8
Requires: sqlite pdo driver enabled (see your phpinfo), droplets module > 1.21, jQuery included
Last info: 2011-02-08
1309 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Web Link: here
Description: This is a PHP/jQuery based 5-star Ajax rating snippet, based on a script of Jack Moore.
It requires no database setup or administration as it comes with its own SQLite database. Please take care that sqlite pdo drivers are enabled on your web-space installation (see server configuration).

Release 0.30 installs the droplet automatically and fixes an js error (thanks to WebBird)

Release 0.20 prevents spiders and bots from rating (thanks to WebBird)

To activate this snippet please call the installed droplet in your WebsiteBaker installation on a page:

This droplet automatically uses the page title as table name, so no additional input is required.
Info: Notice:
this snippet requires jQuery included.
If your template has no jQuery included please add following code-line in your template head-section: