Monday, February 10 in 2025
ShowSection << Content >> ShowAd-2


The ShowAd Droplet takes a (hidden) section from your website and displays it in a sliding advertisement box.
This way it is very simple to show an advertisement on any page of your website.

Suggested Name:


Droplet Code:

Parameters required:


Parameters optional:


Example Call:


The parameter needed is the section id of the content you want to use as the advertisement.


How to show the advertisement only once:

Add the code below at the top of the Droplet code:

$cookie = "Droplet_".$section;
if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie]))  return ' ';
($cookie, '1', time()+60*60*24*7);

This way it will be shown once per 7 days. (time()+60*60*24*7 = 7 days)

How to get the section number: (thanks to Hans)

Open admin, pages, choose the page with the section you need
Then choose manage section and click the section you want
you will see a link in the browsers address bar like :
the last number is the section (65 in this case - 40 is the page_id)

Submitted By: Ruud

ShowSection << Content >> ShowAd-2