Monday, February 10 in 2025
Module Frontpage Slideshow
DutchDate << Date & Time >> TheTime


This Droplet will display the number of days until an event.

Suggested Name:


Droplet Code:

Parameters required:

d_day=(day) d_month=(mont) d_year=(year) txt1=(text_before) txt2=(text_after)

Parameters optional:


Example Call:

[[countdown?d_day=25&d_month=12&d_year=2009&txt1=Only&txt2=until it is Christmas]]

The parameters are:

d_day : the day of the event
d_month : the month of the event
d_year : the year of the event
txt1: the text that will prefix the countdown value
txt2: the text that will be after the countdown value

Submitted By: Jan Krümmel

DutchDate << Date & Time >> TheTime