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Just a simple droplet that generates linked headlines from a newsgroup.

Suggested Name:


Droplet Code:

Parameters required:

group=(the ID of the newsgroup you want to use) 

Parameters optional:

max=(max newspost headlines to collect)
start_date=(earlyest newspost headlines to collect)
stop_date={latest newspost headlines to collect)
order=(Newest or Oldest posts first)

Example Call:

[[GetNewsHeads?group=2&max=2&start_date=-3 day&stop_date=now&order=ASC]]

Explanation of the parameters:

max : max newspost headlines to collect  *  optional ("10" by default)

start_date : earlyest newspost headlines to collect  *  optional ("-10 day" by default)

stop_date : latest newspost headlines to collect  *  optional ("now" by default)

order : Newest or Oldest posts first  *  optional ("ASC" or "DESC", "DESC" by default)

Date examples:
- / +1 day
- / +1 week
- / +1 month
- / +1 year
- / +1 year 1 month 1 week 1 day
10 September 2000
next Thursday
last Monday

Submitted By: KonTrax

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