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Modul: dbConnect_LE
Author: Ralf Hertsch
Nick: Ralf (Berlin)
Version: 0.65
State: Stable
License: GPL
GUID: A6697E72-9FC0-433C-8536-2112F6E6D687
Platform: 2.8
Last info: 2011-08-01
744 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Web Link: here
Description: dbConnect_LE is a small, fast and UTF-8 only replacement for the more sedate dbConnect.

The intention of dbConnect_LE is to provide you with an easy to use and secure class with all basic database functions you need.

Main Features of dbConnect_LE

* easy define, create and delete tables
* insert, update, delete and select records
* insert and remove Website Baker Search Feature
* execute SQL statements
* prevents SQL injections
* safety error handling prevents nasty surprises
* in case of error return detailed messages
* check SQL statements
* switch to simulate mode for testing purposes


* dbConnect_LE make use of the PHP 5 OOP features as well as exception handling and is not compatible to PHP 4
* dbConnect_LE support only UTF-8
See also: dbConnect, dbConnectLE, dbglossary, dbMultipleChoice, dbWatchSite, dirlist, dwoo, feedback, imageOptimizer, imageTweak, keep in touch, kitdirlist, multiple-educated, newsletter, rhtools, shortlink, dropletsExtension, flexTable, kitForm, kitTools, manufakturGallery, pChart , permaLink