Wednesday, January 22 in 2025
Modul: Calendar 2.0
Author: David ilicz Klementa, M. Gallas, H. Droske and others
Nick: heikal
Version: 2.0
State: RC
License: GNU-GPL
GUID: 2973CEA6-8196-40EA-9764-607AD6D4093F
Platform: 2.7
Last info: 2009-09-16
657 votes
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Download: here
Forum: here
Description: This module allows you to add a featured calendar to your website. New action dates can now be picket from a popup calendar by mouseclick. It allows to specify multiple actions per day and time. Actions are now listed in a box with scrollbar for a big number of actions per month.

The new Calendar 2 is now providing a sortable list view based on a controllable timespan. This means, that actions for a timeframe of certain days before and certain days after the current day are shown in a so called Long List. This list can be sorted by action date, title or type.

The module also allows history management. A certain range can be specified in the calendar settings to determine for how long the elapsed actions shall be kept in the data base.

The data view can be customized allowing to hide certain data like time, end date, place etc.
Info: see the readme.txt and Liesmich.txt contained in the Module Archive.

The module supports multiple languages like German and English