Modul: | Another Image Gallery |
Author: | Daniel Wacker, M. Gallas, R. Smith, M. Fuenkner |
Version: | 2.20 |
State: | Alpha |
License: | GNU-GPL |
Platform: | 2.7 and 2.8 |
Last info: | 2010-06-06 |
Rating: | |
Download: | here |
Forum: | here |
Description: | This module allows you to create a image gallery using the gallery script from Daniel Wacker. Automatically generates thumb nails of pictures located in the specified subfolder of the MEDIA directory. The images needs to be uploaded manually by the use of FTP or the WB media browser. |
Info: | Note: requires PHP >= 4.1.0, GD library must be installed on the server to create thumbnails |
Image: |
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