Monday, February 10 in 2025
Modul: Swift Image Gallery
Author: Stefan Braunewell, M. Gallas, R. Smith, D. R. Pehlke (last)
Nick: ruebenwurzel, Aldus (last)
State: Beta
License: GNU-GPL
Platform: 2.7 and 2.8
Requires: PHP 5.2.x, xFastTemplate2
Last info: 2010-07-12
676 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Description: A very simple image gallery based on ImaGal. The module does not require any external graphic libraries. Simply upload the images you want to display to a subfolder in the MEDIA directory via an external FTP programm or the WB media center. The module displays one image in original size, the other images are displayed on the right hand site as thumbnails.The module features some nice mouse over effects.

Version 0.6.6
- Change form-methods to "post" instead of "get" inside modify.php
- Add backend.css to get the backend-interface valid.
- Add image-type test to the view.php to avoid conflicts within other types inside the gallery folder. (e.g. index.php).
- Some codechanges inside the modify.php (belongs to the "selects").
- Bugfix for deleting a gallery.
- Bugfix for adding a gallery.
- Add hash to the modify.php form and hash test inside the save.php.
- Remove the "style" output in the frontend and add "frontend.css".
- Add "Edit css" button to the modify-settings.php.
- Massive recodings of the backend-interface to get the output XHTML 1.0 valide.
(e.g. remove nested forms in forms.)
- Add backend.js to get a better "recall-handling" for the galleries [get].
See also: x_fastTemplate2