Sunday, January 19 in 2025
Modul: PM Messages
Author: crnogorac081
Nick: crnogorac081
Version: 2.2
State: Stable
License: GNU - General Public License
GUID: 0443AACA-1762-4E5F-8CFA-804BB1876FCC
Platform: 2.7 and 2.8
Last info: 2010-02-08
744 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Forum: here
Description: Note: For more info and latest version, please visit forum link.


+ Module works both with WB 2.7 and 2.8.
+ Supports languages so far: EN, DE, FR, NL, SE, NO
+ Allows only ONE username to view/manage backend
+ Contains a Droplet for frontend info: Inbox: 5 new[3 unread]
+ Auto sugestion for "TO: " field with images

Zip file contains a DROPLET (droplet.txt file, also accessible via link in module info), which allow you to put the message like: Inbox: 5 new[3 unread] anywhere.. My idea is to put this below "welcome back administrator" - text in the template..

Known bugs:
- You must change the text from the DROPLET: "Inbox", "new" and "unread" manualy - known bug


When you change Moderator name, make sure that NEW Moderator has privileges to access this module in backend (to be in administrator or equivalent group)

Also, it will not work if Moderator is in multiple groups..(have no idea why )