Friday, September 20 in 2024
Modul: dbMultipleChoice
Author: Ralf Hertsch
Nick: Ralf (Berlin)
Version: 0.18
State: Stable
License: GPL
GUID: 220B9C46-E78D-40C8-90EB-C0B3A0CD6123
Platform: 2.8
Requires: dbConnect_LE, rhTools, Dwoo
Last info: 2011-08-06
678 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Web Link: here
Description: dbMultipleChoice works really fine with LEPTON CMS!

dbMultipleChoice is a very powerful admin tool for WebsiteBaker, which enables you to develop multiple choice questionnaires easiliy and make them available in your website.

The WebsiteBaker add-on dbMultipleChoice has originally been developed for Caduceus Lehrinstitut für Naturheilkunde & Psychotherapie as well as for a web based training project of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW) and underlies permanently further development.

Handling of dbMultipleChoice is very simple: after installation just invoke the admin tool and enter your questions with respective correct and incorrect (distraction) answers. Assign your questions and respective answers to any groups and eventually create questionnaires using the available questions, that's it!

At the location where you want to insert the multiple choice test insert the droplet which comes with the module, which then integrates the questionnaire.

I appreciate any feedback and especially any suggestion for improvement of dbMultipleChoice!
See also: dbConnect, dbConnectLE, dbglossary, dbWatchSite, dirlist, dwoo, feedback, imageOptimizer, imageTweak, keep in touch, kitdirlist, multiple-educated, newsletter, rhtools, shortlink, dropletsExtension, flexTable, kitForm, kitTools, manufakturGallery, pChart , permaLink