Modul: | User Extend |
Author: | Beat Jost |
Nick: | beatjost |
Contact: | |
Version: | 2.1 |
State: | Stable |
License: | GNU - General Public License |
GUID: | 413EA333-ADD2-493C-A12C-4EE75138FBF0 |
Platform: | 2.8 |
Last info: | 2015-03-22 |
Rating: | |
Download: | here |
Forum: | here |
Description: | This module lets you store additional information for existing users (like address, phone, birthdate and freefields if whised -> config.php). The administration is in the admin-tools section and it's rather ment for backend purpose. The user list may be exported as CSV to excel. The data itself might be suitable for a droplet or something to show in the frontend (see forum)...
There is also a direct link to the user from user extend data as well as the possibility to change states directly. A logged in user may also change its data when you simple change some of the core account files of WB. Zip-files therefor are also available in the forum. Actually available in English, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish and German. Frontent account replacements: WB 2.8.3: WB 2.8: For older WB versions you might sill want to use the older version: (2.8.2) |
Info: | Changelog Version 2.1
- Bugfixes for 2.8.3 new SP3 (Revision 1640) Changelog Version 2.0 (thanks to Stefek) - Completely new design - Possibility to show all useres in list - Some security and bug fixes Changelog Version 1.4 - Automatic delete of UserExtend record if user was removed - PHP Warnings removed Changelog Version 1.3 - Path corrected of table sort arrow icons (local) Changelog Version 1.2 - Showing all groups in overview - Direct link to user in detail view - Possibility to show user state and change directly - Language PL Changelog Version 1.1 - Small bugfixes - Table style change (for ordering) - Search possiblility - Language NL, NO Version 1.0 - User extended data storing with 5 free fields - Language EN, DE - Export to CSV |
Image: | ![]() |
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Monday, February 10 in 2025