Monday, February 10 in 2025
Modul: CsvExport
Author: Frank Heyne
Nick: FrankH
Contact: mod 4 wb at heysoft dot de
Version: 1.30
State: Stable
License: GPL
GUID: 3F7A4A9E-BB97-4B5C-A6C0-33CA927E1451
Platform: 2.7 and 2.8
Last info: 2010-12-15
817 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Web Link: here
Description: This module allows to export a MySQL table into a csv file and provides a download link to it.

v1.10 RC2 (20-May-2009)
* linefeeds now will be replaced by spaces in the csv file
* empty fields for the code pages are allowed now
* tries to use default charset now

v1.30 stable (15-Dec-2010)
* Security Patch in the Backend
Info: Dieses Modul exportiert eine MySQL-Tabelle in eine csv-Datei und bietet diese anschließend zum Download an.