Thursday, April 18 in 2024
Module Frontpage Slideshow
Modul: check-wb
Nick: erpe
Version: 0.23
State: Stable
GUID: AEDBA986-DAC2-4678-A7B6-C1C6B83DB21
Platform: 2.8
Last info: 2010-09-29
679 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
Description: Check if your server meets requirements of WebsiteBaker CMS.

- 0.2.3
modify mysql check (thanks to Aldus)

- 0.2.2
css modifications

- 0.2.1
hide phpinfo

- 0.2.0
add phpinfo

- 0.10
initial release
Info: usage
Simply download the zip-file, upload the decompressed file via ftp to the root of your webspace.
Then call the file with

please delete the file from your webspace when checked.