Monday, February 10 in 2025
Modul: Module Edit - w/ toggle function
Author: John and Peter Gilbane, Matthias Gallas, Stefek
Nick: Stefek
Version: 1.6.4
State: Alpha
License: GPL
Platform: 2.7
Last info: 2009-07-27
589 votes
1 2 3 4 5
Download: here
Forum: here
********** Important note **********
There is a much more capable Admin Tool for this Purpose called "Addon File Editor". You should consider this one to use with your WebsiteBaker installation.

This Module allows you to edit online any php, css, js, txt, xml or html file in your WB Modules.

This "togglelized" Version of Module Edit is functioning almost the same as the standard "Module Edit" module.
The advantage lies in the toggle function and it's ability to show only those Module Files you want - thus the Modules List is no more that long and you have a better overview.

Also some design improvements were made.
Info: New Version 08-17-09

Fixed a Bug with IE.

Thanks to user Aldus.

********** Important note **********
There is a much more capable Admin Tool for this Purpose called "Addon File Editor". You should consider this one to use with your WebsiteBaker installation.
See also: template edit toggle